Today 26.10.24 we held a memorial for Kenneth David Chant, a man who devoted his long life to living for God. I thought his last words in his last book, Thessalonians, should be heard today.
“In one of his famous “Odes”, Horace used the phrase “Carpe diem!” (Seize the day!) The full line reads - “Seize the day! Put no trust in tomorrow.”
That is, make the most of this day because who knows what tomorrow will bring?
For us, that idea requires us to stir up our faith, because no promise of God can be fulfilled until we make it happen. That is, we have to take hold of the promise and
affirm it, and
expect it to be fulfilled, and
look for its fulfilment.
Thus, Paul goes on to say that the promise about all things turning to our God belongs only to — those who love God.
One cannot truly love without wholly trusting. Those who serve God. “God works all things together for the good of those who are called according to his purpose”. But serving God, too, is an act of faith, which alone can link us to the will of God. And we serve the Lord, because we believe that only in his service can we find perfect happiness and prosperity.
So away with laziness, away with timidity, away with unbelief, away with excuses! We are Christians. God is on our side. How can we lose?
Let us rather believe boldly, serve bravely, expect greatly and see God do wonderful things!”