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Writer's pictureKristina Trott

Getting older and remaining young


But the godly will flourish like palm trees

    and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.


For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house.

    They flourish in the courts of our God.


Even in old age they will still produce fruit;

    they will remain vital and green.


They will declare, “The Lord is just!

    He is my rock!

    There is no evil in him!” (Ps. 92:12-15 NLT).

We visited an aged care facility yesterday and spoke with the residents there about their greatest fears. Those fears ranged from falls, disease and medical procedures and lack of safety. All doom and gloom going forward.

One lady in a loud and confident voice declared she had no fears for her future because she knew where she was going and that Jesus was waiting for her. She was excited for her future.

The Bible certainly offers many positive thoughts about old age. The psalm I quoted above talks about those who are right with God and planted in the house of God being like statuesque evergreen palm trees that remain vital, thriving, flourishing, full of sap and fruitful right into their old age.

In other words, the key to remaining young and fruitful is doing what God says, remaining close to God and being actively involved in His church.

It’s never too late for God to work through and in us. The Holy Spirit, dwelling within, will empower us to live fruitful lives until it is time to go on to glory.

What spiritual fruit would you like the Lord to produce in you during your later years?

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