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Imagine entering the throne room of heaven

Writer's picture: Kristina TrottKristina Trott

I’d like to invite you to join me in imagining what it might be like to step into the throne room of heaven and visit with our beautiful Jesus and our Holy God. Come, Step in to the throne room my beloved The door is open, He meets me at the threshold. His eyes are kind, His voice warm and welcoming. It is Jesus! I know it in my innermost being. How I have longed for this moment! “My Lord Jesus, my Redeemer!” I say to Him. I take in His presence, He is so handsome! His mesmerising eyes are like the sea, sparkling in their beauty; his dark hair lies in golden waves and his beard frames his lovely mouth. “My beloved”, He says, reaching for me. I observe the red scars on his hands, before He embraces me. This is the One who I have loved for nearly all my life on earth - and who has loved me before I ever knew Him… I feel deep peace and His deep love for me as He holds me securely for a long moment. -pause- I now know what it is to feel complete, I am ONE with my Lord. I gaze into His eyes in wonder. With a loving smile, He gently releases me from His embrace and takes my hand as we enter the Throne Room. Come, beloved. The glory of the Fathers presence fills this expansive room with bright light, refracting in rainbows from the crystal walls and ceiling. Holy, holy, holy resounds through my mind, His presence is pure, holy, glorious. The weight of His holiness envelops me. In awe, I fall to my knees, bowing low to the floor. I become aware of the most beautiful singing; “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for you have created all things, and for your pleasure they are and were created.” I begin to open my eyes and realise I have been weeping. The beauty of holiness in this place is overwhelming. I see a shimmering crystal floor beneath me, clear and beautiful. I slowly raise my head to gaze in the direction of where I see a magnificent Throne, emanating with brilliant light. “Father, I humbly lay all that I am at your feet. I will serve you above all else, all the days of my life, for You are the only God, infinite in power and majesty, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet You do not leave the guilty unpunished.” I hear the Father’s answer; “I am pleased that you pursue Me above all else. Continue to remember me, with the members of Christ’s Body. Take His flesh and drink His blood as a reminder that you are one with Him, as I am one with the Son. Continue in faithfulness, my Beloved, I hear your every prayer and see every tear. For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and not tarry. I am with you to the end of days.”

Written by Anthia Shaw and used by kind permission.


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