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Writer's pictureKristina Trott

Jesus loves us "to the end"

There is a little phrase in the Bible that gives us an inkling of the extent of God’s love towards us.

“Jesus loved His own who were in the world, He loved them TO THE END” (John 13:1 NKJV).

Jesus’ love for us doesn’t ebb and wane. Our love has limits. We easily get bored and are fickle, greedy, impatient and lustful. We betray the one we swore undying love and fidelity to.

Jesus was betrayed and He persisted in His journey to the cross. He loved to the end, to the fullest extent possible, permanently and for perpetuity. I like how Paul puts it:

“ [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself]” (Eph. 3:19 Amp. Bib.)

On the cross it is difficult for us to comprehend the anguish and pain Jesus went through. We know the ghastly abandonment and pain of rejection when we are cheated on or betrayed but multiply that agony for all the myriad of diverse and ghastly sins (past, present and future) that Jesus had collectively amassed on His body. God had unleashed righteous divine wrath on Jesus for the accumulated sins of Adam’s children — sins that the pure and holy Jesus willingly bore for us.

“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all”(Isa. 53:6 NKJV).

We have a Saviour like no other. He isn’t judgmental — He willingly took ALL our sins for ALL time. When we come to Him and surrender, He accepts us completely and utterly and that love remains constant for eternity.

“How deep the Father’s love for us, How vast beyond all measure, That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure.”[1]


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